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Tohid Shaikh

Tohid Shaikh

Hello everyone,

I would like to share my experience with CAD Infield Technologies, Pune

My experience at CAD Infield Technologies was highly positive and fruitful.

The CEO of CAD Infield Mr. Aatmling Narayanpure sir has an experience of 15 years in the industrial field so he knows what are the skills required for fresher to enter in design field

I have really improved my confidence and knowledge by joining CAD Infield Technologies . At CAD Infield Technologies they gave us a complete domain based training which also includes GD&T session, CAD test, HR session, and also varies session arrange to required in freshers .

I suggest to my friends who really want to build their career in design field and get placement during course then do join CAD Infield Technologies Pune.


Thank you so much

Tohid Shaikh Design Engineer March 14, 2022